About us
We are the Ermolaev family: Kirill, Elena and Marina.
Our whole life is connected with animals. Each of us had German boxer dogs and Afghan greyhounds in our childhood. Guess who's got one? These were our favorite dogs, and even then we knew what exhibitions were, preparation for them, showing a dog in the ring, and education... We didn't know each other then, though.
We met as students of the K. I. Scriabin Veterinary Academy and, having become a full-fledged family, our love for animals was reborn in our own veterinary clinic.
Since then, the passion for the four-legged friends of man does not let us go, and when the question arose about the breed that would suit us, a family with a child of 7 years, the choice fell on the miniature pinscher. And we did not lose.
The breed fully justified all our hopes and gave a new impetus to life. We started breeding and in 2017 we had our first 6 puppies. We kept one for ourselves, and off we went....
Now Elena is a veterinarian in her own veterinary clinic, and Kirill has decided to discover a new world and become a judge of dog breeds and is trained by the best judges at the largest international exhibitions. Very soon we will register our own cattery. My daughter was also captured by the love of animals, Marina graduated from the courses of a young handler, intensively teaches English and actively helps in raising puppies.